Brand: Climax Doll

❤️CLM Ultra❤️ 159cm/5ft3 E-Cup Big Boobs Silicone BBW Sex Doll SiE159 - Nico(Cinnamon)

$2,399.00 USD
Tax & shipping fee included in the price

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The CLM Ultra series product you're about to purchase comes with the following features.

1. ROS(real oral sex) 2. Movable jaw 3. Shrugged shoulders 4. EVO skeleton 5. Articulated fingers 2.0(fingers can be clenched into a fist) 6. Standing feet 7. Gel breasts 8. Simulated scalp wigs

The following features are available for free for a limited time.

Free Hard Hand($50) Free Standing Feature ($50) Free Second Head ($399)

Check the features you want in the "customize your love doll" section below. Save you up to $499.

Promotion time: 1.1-2.28

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